TWEB 2017 - GitHub Analytics

This page allows to retreive statistics about issues for a given GitHub repository. Just enter a GitHub repository URL in the search field and let the magic begins !

We wanted to create this tool to encourage people to improve their product by the following points:

We think that issues are a good parameter to mesure the activity and the progress of a project.

  • People who open issues want to see new features and stuff in the product they use.
  • People who close issues fix problems and add new features to the product.

We think that issues should be closed as much as new issues are opened. This proves the activity and contininous integration of the product as people want to see new features and people implement them.

For this project, we used several librairies and technologies.

Client side:

  • SB Admin 2 for the Bootstrap template.
  • Chart.js to display the infomations with graphics.
  • Oboe.js to retreive data from the server and display them as soon as new data are available.

Server side:

  • Node.js for the server runtime engine.
  • Express for the WEB server.
  • GitHub API to get the data from GitHub.
  • SuperAgent to query GitHub's API easily.
  • Mocha for the unit tests.
  • Chai as an assertion library used with Mocha

On both side:

  • ESLint for quality code control.

You can find all the sources for this project here as everything is open source !

Analyse a GitHub repository

Total issues

This tab displays the total amount of opened and closed issues on a repository.

The more the gap between opened and closed issues for a given day is close, the better is it !

Opened issues

This tab displays the total amount of opened issues on a repository by user.

We only show the best players in this field. Try to beat your friends to become the number one !

Closed issues

This tab displays the total amount of closed issues on a repository by user.

We only show the best players in this field. Try to beat your friends to become the number one !